A Natural Cleaning Company differs from other cleaning companies. We provide clients with a specialized natural clean service and/or we offer clients training on best cleaning practices using natural cleaning chemistry. For those clients that want to learn how to clean naturally, A Natural Cleaning Company representative can show and demonstrate how to clean and what chemistry to use.
The following information discusses best cleaning practices. If you have questions, talk to us. We are here to nurture a natural living and help you and your family live naturally through cleaning.
What can you gain from naturally cleaning? Natural cleaning chemistry does not have the harmful chemistry that are found in commercial cleaners, which may cause environmental and health concerns (eye, skin, or respiratory irritation, or more serious issues).
Ensuring Safety
Reduce/Remove the following “Dirt”:
Understand the Nature of “Dirt”:
Step 1. Pre-Rinse w/ Water
Step 2. Wash-Remove “Dirt”
ALWAYS read Manufacturers guidelines
Step 3. Rinse/Inspect
Step 4. Sanitize
A Natural Cleaning Company performs a final inspection after the service is complete.
Client Satisfaction
It is important that each client is satisfied with the cleanliness of their home. If there are areas of concern, please contact A Natural Cleaning Company and we will correct the concern with no cost to the client.
5 Factors to the Cleaning Process
What do I see and what do I not see?
Understanding the type of dirt or organism that needs to be reduced/removed will help you effectively clean your home and office
Types “Dirt”:
Understand the Nature of “Dirt”:
Inhibitor of “Dirt”
The picture below shows the importance of adding chemistry (surfactants) to water. Water alone creates individual drops which do not penetrate the cracks/crevasses and it does not encompass the “Dirt.” When surfactants are added; it binds with the water to penetrate and encompass the “Dirt”, for a more effective cleaning
Detergent/General Cleansers/Degreasers
Color Coding reduces the opportunity of cross contamination between areas (Bathroom, Kitchen, Living/Sleeping areas)
Depending on the Type of “Dirt” and Depth of the “Dirt” imbedded in the surface, there are multiple ways to apply cleaning chemistry.
In each house and home there are areas that are more important to keep clean than others. Whatever areas are important to your family focus on those areas first.
Have a Plan of Action
Suggested Plan: